SU 0127 Baseline Mobile
The Baseline Satellite is able to handle 2 different chemicals in addition to rinse, through a single outlet. The Block was engineered to reduce pressure loss significantly, compared to conventional cleaning equipment. At the same time, its robust and smart design makes it very easy to operate and maintain and ensures a very long lifetime.
This version is utilizing same technology but in a mobile version that can be used in several locations.
Item Number:
SU 0127-DF BASELINE: 7001330 + 7002085
SU 0150-FF BASELINE: 7001331 + 7002085
Simultanoues users
Minimum/maximum inlet pressure
10/27 Bar
Maximum water consumption
50 L/min
Pipe dimension inlet
Air supply
5/10 Bar
Air consumption
150-200 L/min
Performance highlights
0Chemicals - one outlet
0L/min. - Standard water consimption
0/27Bar - Min./max. inlet pressure
0L/min. - Rinsing power

Flexible, intuitive, powerful and easy to use
Less pressure loss means more cleaning power, which is equivalent to faster cleaning and less water usage.
High Quality
Engineered to last. Only high-quality components and high-grade stainless steel.
Long lifetime
The long lifetime of the product reduces the overall environmental impact.
Color codingOn all our satellites we use a color coding system to make it as easy as possible for the user to understand and see the connection between the chosen cleaning function and the injected cleaning chemical.,
The green choiceEvery aspect of the satellite is designed and engineered to reduce the overall environmental impact of the satellite. High efficiency and a long lifetime reduce the total environmental impact significantly.
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