Operator using Foamico low pressure cleaning technology to clean a food production facility

Low pressure and high performance

Low-Pressure Cleaning is professional heavy-duty cleaning with Low-Pressure and High-Flow. Our Low-pressure system can supply up to 27 bar, while our middle-pressure systems can supply up to 45 bar. While the water consumption with Low-pressure systems theoretically appears to be higher than with high-pressure systems (30L/min contra 10-15L/min) is the overall water consumption much lower due to the much higher efficiency.

Covers complex

needs, but are

easy to operate


Our Next Technology remains the only technology in the market that can operate with 3 chemicals and rinse through one and the same outlet, without the use of additional valves. A full mechanical change between all operations makes our equipment second to none in terms of reliability, ease of use and lifetime.



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Most Common Pump Alerts

  • The water inlet pressure has dropped below 0.6 bar for more than 3 seconds.


    Ensure that your booster system or main station is adequately sized for the number of people cleaning at the same time. If the size is correct, please check that the pipework is of the correct sizing for the systems.


    If the system is in order, ensure that the cleaners are using the correct nozzles types and that these nozzles are not defective.

  • The water temperature has exceeded 70°C.


    Check the conditions of the water entering the pump (is it below or above 70 degrees?) Check with both static and running water.
    If the water is too hot, reduce the temperature.


    If the water is not the problem, the pump might not be stopping when the system is turned off, causing the water to heat up.

    Find out why the pump does not stop.

  • The pump is blocked or one of the electrical phases has a loose connection.
    Check the electrical connection/plug.



    Disconnect and reconnect the power cable, making sure there is a good connection on all phases.


    The pump may be blocked by foreign particles but this is rare as most pumps have filters.

  • The pump is missing an electrical phase. Check the power supply.



    Check that the phase is correctly connected in the pump. Next, check that the stem is correctly mounted. Finally, check the power supply itself.

  • Signal is outside range, the outlet/inlet pressure sensor has stopped working.


    Analog 1 = Outlet pressure sensor



    Check that the outlet sensor is visually broken. If it looks normal, check that the plug is correctly plugged in and correctly mounted in the pump. If the plug is correctly plugged and the pump is correctly mounted, either the plug or the sensor should be replaced.

    The fault may also occur if the pressure exceeds 40 bar.

  • Signal is outside range, the outlet/inlet pressure sensor has stopped working.


    Analog 2 = Inlet pressure sensor


    Visually check that the outlet sensor is not broken. If it looks normal, check that the cable is properly connected and mounted in the pump. If the cable is correctly connected and mounted in the pump, either the cable or the sensor should be replaced.


    The fault can also occur if the pressure exceeds the sensor's range, in other words if the pressure exceeds 25 bar.

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