Advantages of Mobile Cleaning
Our mobile cleaning solutions are available with and without a built-in compressor. They utilize our Next Technology and have the capability to use three chemicals and rinse through a single outlet. With just a single handle, the stations are operated in a manner that is highly intuitive. The use of high-quality materials and components guarantees both longevity and reliability.
Less cleaning timeUsing highly efficient and intuitive systems helps ensure an effective and safe cleaning process.
High efficiencySince the initial release of the first edition in 2011, Foamico's Next Technology has remained the most efficient cleaning technology. Our dedication to innovation has led to the creation of multiple products that can further enhance the efficiency of our solutions, resulting in reduced energy consumption and water usage in our equipment.
Low climate impactBy utilizing the latest Grundfos IE5 Technology, we guarantee the use of the most efficient pumps available to power our solutions. Additionally, the availability of an eco mode ensures that the cleaning process consumes minimal energy.
Low total cost of ownershipA long lifetime combined with minimal service costs results in a reduced total cost of ownership.

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High performance product range
DecentralizedDecentralized equipment can be an effective solution for large facilities where it may be impractical or inefficient to have a centralized cleaning station. By distributing cleaning equipment throughout the facility, workers can quickly access the equipment they need to clean specific areas, without having to travel long distances or wait for equipment to become available.
Mobile solutionsOur mobile solutions offer a range of benefits including flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and improved hygiene and safety. By incorporating a mobile solution into your cleaning processes, efficiency can be improved, cost reduced, and enables you to maintain high standards of hygiene and food safety.
CentralizedCentralized prediluted solutions are diluting concentrated cleaning chemicals with water to a predetermined concentration. The advantage of using prediluted solutions is that they simplify the cleaning process and ensure that the cleaning chemical is used at the correct concentration. This helps to avoid overuse, which can lead to residue buildup or damage to surfaces, and underuse, which can compromise the effectiveness of the cleaning agent.
Automated CleaningAutomatic cleaning can decrease the time spent on cleaning, reducing water- and chemical usage and releasing cleaning staff from long and tedious cleaning steps. Automatic cleaning thereby reduces the environmental impact of the cleaning process significantly.
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