Cleaning Methods in the Food Industry

In order to maintain food safety and hygiene in the food industry, it is essential to uphold the highest standards of cleanliness. There are many ways to clean, the challenge is to find solutions that maintain efficiency and minimise costs and resources. For many years, high-pressure solutions have been the most effective cleaning method in the food industry. It is now possible to conclude that innovative solutions such as low-pressure cleaning are much more environmentally friendly, as this method reduces water consumption while maintaining efficiency and increasing effectiveness by reducing overall cleaning time.

Ensuring regulatory compliance for food safety and hygiene in the food industry

When it comes to low-pressure cleaning, there are many different ways to achieve a high level of cleanliness that meets food and safety regulations within the food industry. At Foamico we strive to innovate and adapt as the market evolves. This allows us to be at the forefront of change and a leader in our field. Our innovations are based on the latest technologies that have the potential to impact the world and make it a better place for the future. Our aim is to provide the most reliable, effective and sustainable solutions for beverage and food factory cleaning.

Adapting to evolve


Our technology and innovation is based on striving to create the best possible solutions for our customers' needs.


To do this, we need to be flexible and adaptable because different customers have different challenges and needs. This vision is also reflected in our product selection.


Foamico's product range varies from main stations, satellites and customised boosters to small and influential accessories such as the right nozzle type for specific customer cases.


Additionally, we offer automated, mobile and pre-diluted solutions. Once again, with the aim of being as flexible as possible.

Conveyor Belt Cleaning Technologies by Foamico

Foamico system compared to a high-pressure system

  • 40
    Reduction in cleaning time
  • 60
    Reduction in energy consumption
  • 25
    Reduction in water waste

Food Safety | Residue Build Up

Among the many cleaning challenges, residue has the potential to compromise food safety and hygiene. Choosing the right cleaning tool is essential to minimising these challenges. While low-pressure cleaning solutions are gentle on surfaces and delicate components, they are highly effective, meaning they have the ability to prevent challenges such as residue build-up. By combining low-pressure technology with the right chemicals in food factory cleaning, contamination is broken down at a molecular level, making it easier to remove.


Low-pressure cleaning also significantly reduces the risk of cross-contamination. The controlled water flow prevents the spread of contamination to other parts of the facility and ensures effective containment and elimination of allergens and harmful bacteria. This is particularly important in facilities where different food products are processed and cross-contact must be avoided to maintain food safety.

Moreover, low-pressure cleaning is also more environmentally friendly than high-pressure methods. It uses less water and fewer chemicals, which not only reduces operating costs but also minimizes environmental footprint. This sustainable approach is consistent with the growing demand for environmentally friendly practices in the food industry.

Finally, the delicacy of low-pressure cleaning extends the life of equipment. High-pressure cleaning can lead to wear and tear, resulting in expensive repairs and replacements. By choosing low-pressure solutions, food manufacturers can keep their equipment in great condition, ensuring consistent performance and reducing operational downtime.

Food factory cleaning requires superior solutions and Foamico is here to create the best possible future for the health of your company's customers by ensuring food safety and hygiene in your cleaning practice.

  • Operator using Foamico low pressure technology for conveyor cleaning

European Food Safety Authority | EFSA

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is an independent source of scientific advice on food risks.

EFSA advises on existing and emerging food risks. This advice informs European laws, regulations and policies - helping to protect consumers from risks in the food chain.

Policies, laws and regulations cover many different areas of food production. For example, EFSA advice has led to specific hygiene rules for foods of animal origin, such as meat, poultry and fish. There are also rules for certain levels of contamination in food.


It is extremely important to comply with these laws, policies and regulations when operating a food production facility. Low pressure cleaning technology can help ensure that there is no cross-contamination in production facilities, while at the same time using less water, labour and energy in your food factory cleaning process.



Low-pressure Technology


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point | HACCP

HACCP is a management system that addresses food safety by analysing and controlling biological, chemical and physical hazards from the production, procurement and handling of raw materials through to the manufacture, distribution and consumption of the finished product.


From growing, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, distributing and merchandising to preparing food for consumption, HACCP is designed for use in all segments of the food industry. Pre-requisite programmes such as current Good Manufacturing Practices are an essential foundation for the development and implementation of successful HACCP plans. Food safety systems based on the principles of HACCP have been successfully implemented in food processing plants, food retail outlets and food service establishments.

The HACCP system consists of seven principles, all of which contribute to the guidelines of a food manufacturing facility, these principles cover everything from hygiene control to process monitoring.

It is essential for food manufacturers to comply with government regulations and ensure food safety and hygiene, which is done by using the right food factory cleaning equipment.

Cleaning Solutions

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