Advantages of Automatic Cleaning

Automatic cleaning with low-pressure technology in the food and beverage industry is an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly method of cleaning. It effectively removes dirt, grime, and bacteria, improving hygiene levels and reducing the risk of contamination

Automated cleaning systems for the food and beverage industry

Investing in Automatic Cleaning solutions not only reduces the total amount spent on the cleaning procedure but also reduces the amount of tedious and physical hard cleaning steps, which can decrease the time spent on the cleaning and improve the cleaning result.


In the last years, Automatic Cleaning in the Food & Beverage Industry has seen a significant increase in interest. We believe this is due to awareness of the environmental impact of cleaning within this industry, a higher focus on extended Shelf-life combined with labor shortages and more expensive labor. Our Automatic solutions for e.g. fillers, freezers, conveyors and shackles address all of these concerns and are an excellent choice for the environmentally conscious consumer.

Automatic cleaning can decrease the time spent on cleaning, reducing water- and chemical usage and releasing cleaning staff from long and tedious cleaning steps. Automatic cleaning thereby reduces the environmental impact of the cleaning process significantly.

The reduced total cleaning time makes it possible to clean the processing equipment more frequently, which prevents microbial growth. At the same time, the work environment improves as tedious and physically demanding cleaning tasks get decreased.

Conveyor Belt Cleaning Technologies by Foamico
Conveyor Belt Cleaning Technologies by Foamico

Automatic conveyor cleaning

Automatic cleaning of conveyors is an essential process in the food industry to maintain proper hygiene and prevent contamination of food products. Cleaning of conveyors can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, especially in large-scale food production facilities. Therefore, the use of automated cleaning systems can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the cleaning process. Our automated conveyor cleaning solution uses a process that combines water and cleaning agents to remove dirt and contaminants without damaging the conveyor. It is an efficient and cost-effective way to clean conveyor belts, reducing downtime and labor costs. Additionally, low-pressure cleaning is gentle on the conveyor, extending its lifespan and ensuring food safety and quality.

High performance product range

Want to see what we can do for you?

  • Decentralized
    Decentralized equipment can be an effective solution for large facilities where it may be impractical or inefficient to have a centralized cleaning station. By distributing cleaning equipment throughout the facility, workers can quickly access the equipment they need to clean specific areas, without having to travel long distances or wait for equipment to become available.
  • Mobile solutions
    Our mobile solutions offer a range of benefits including flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and improved hygiene and safety. By incorporating a mobile solution into your cleaning processes, efficiency can be improved, cost reduced, and enables you to maintain high standards of hygiene and food safety.
  • The technology of low pressure cleaning in active use
    Centralized prediluted solutions are diluting concentrated cleaning chemicals with water to a predetermined concentration. The advantage of using prediluted solutions is that they simplify the cleaning process and ensure that the cleaning chemical is used at the correct concentration. This helps to avoid overuse, which can lead to residue buildup or damage to surfaces, and underuse, which can compromise the effectiveness of the cleaning agent.
  • Automated cleaning systems for the food and beverage industry
    Automated Cleaning
    Automatic cleaning can decrease the time spent on cleaning, reducing water- and chemical usage and releasing cleaning staff from long and tedious cleaning steps. Automatic cleaning thereby reduces the environmental impact of the cleaning process significantly.

Want to see what we can do for you?